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Explore Siloam Eye Care Clinic: Near ICF Signal, Villivakkam, Chennai
Explore Siloam Eye Care Clinic: Near ICF Signal, Villivakkam, Chennai
Visit Siloam Eye Care: Your Destination for Eye Health in Chennai

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Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo

Eye Exams


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Tortor id aliquet lectus proin nibh nisl condimentum gravida rutrum quisque


Book Your Appointment: Siloam Eye Care Clinic in Chennai

Faucibus turpis in eu mi bibendum neque egestas congue in dictum non consectetur



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Discover Quality Eye Care: Siloam Eye Care Clinic in Chennai

Ultrices neque ornare aenean euismod elementum. Integer feugiat scelerisque varius


Massa enim nec dui nunc mattis enim ut tellus. Adipiscing diam donec adipiscing tristique


Book Your Appointment: Siloam Eye Care Clinic in Chennai

Faucibus turpis in eu mi bibendum neque egestas congue in dictum non consectetur


Massa enim nec dui nunc mattis enim ut tellus. Adipiscing diam donec adipiscing tristique

Eye Clinic Chennai

Empowering Vision, Tailored Care


Book Your Appointment: Siloam Eye Care Clinic in Chennai

Elevate your eye care routine at Siloam Eye Care. Experience personalized attention and cutting-edge technology for optimal vision health.


Laser cataract surgery at Siloam Eye Care offers precision and rapid recovery. Experience clearer vision with advanced technology. Schedule your consultation today


Experience the benefits of small incision cataract surgery at Siloam Eye Care. Swift recovery, minimal discomfort.


Our skilled team is here to provide immediate attention and compassionate treatment for eye injuries. Trust us for comprehensive care in times of need.


A gradual veil descends, softening the world's edges, as clarity yields to the gentle embrace of time's passage, a reminder of life's unfolding narrative.


In the iris's sanctuary, inflammation ignites, casting shadows on the canvas of sight, where pain and vision intertwine in a delicate dance of discomfort.


In the silent battleground of the retina, diabetes leaves its mark, where fragile vessels betray the body's struggle, painting a portrait of fragility on the tapestry of sight.


In the realm of the eye, where vessels weave their tales, hypertensive retinopathy unfurls it's silent sails. Blood once a gentle stream now surges with might, Pushing against the walls seeking passage through the night. Arteriosclerotic changes etched by times' cruel hand. Chronic elevation, a relentless tide leaves it's Mark upon the retina where shadows hide.


In the realm of young eyes, every blink tells a story, where innocence meets affliction and the tender gaze of childhood faces the challenges of sight with resilience and hope.


Book Your Appointment: Siloam Eye Care Clinic in Chennai

Faucibus turpis in eu mi bibendum neque egestas congue in dictum non consectetur


Massa enim nec dui nunc mattis enim ut tellus. Adipiscing diam donec adipiscing tristique

At Siloam Eye Care, we’re committed to revolutionizing your visual experience. Our advanced techniques and state-of-the-art technology ensure that you achieve optimal results in your visual field assessments. By leveraging cutting-edge methodologies, we enhance the accuracy and precision of your visual field tests, allowing for a comprehensive evaluation of your vision.

Trust Siloam Eye Care: Serving South Thirumalai Nagar, Chennai
  1. Early cataract: In the early stages, a subtle mist veils the world, hinting at changes yet to unfold, like the softening edges of a fading memory.

  2. Immature cataract: Amidst the haze, a vision’s resilience persists, though shadows dance on the edges, whispering of transformation waiting to unfurl.

  3. Mature cataract: As the veil thickens, clarity recedes, colors lose their vibrancy, and the world transforms into a softened tableau, a reflection obscured by the passage of time.

  4. Hypermature cataract: Within the shroud of opacity, sight yields to an overwhelming obscurity, where even the faintest glimmers of light are swallowed by the depth of darkness, marking the culmination of a journey from clarity to the profound depths of visual surrender.

Explore Siloam Eye Care’s top picks! From vision-boosting supplements to blue light blocking glasses and contact lenses, our best-sellers ensure optimal eye health and visual comfort. Elevate your eye care routine with our curated selection and experience the difference today

Blurred vision due to misalignment of the eye (myopia, hyperopia, astigmatism).

Damage to the optic nerve from increased eye pressure, causing gradual peripheral vision loss.

Presbyopia is when your eyes gradually lose the ability to see things clearly up close. It is a normal part of aging.

A chalazion is caused by a blockage in one of the tiny meibomian glands of the upper and lower eyelids. The oil these glands produce helps moisten the eyes.

Inflammation or viruses affecting the meibomian glands are the underlying causes of chalazia.

A growth that starts on the clear tissue of the eye that can spread to the cornea. Web-shaped growth of the conjunctiva.

The non cancerous, triangular growth may occur on one or both eyes. It’s more common in people who spend a lot of time in the sun, such as those who work outdoors.

Macular degeneration affects the retina, a layer at the back of the eyeball that contains light-sensitive cells that enable a person to see.

Reading, writing, recognizing faces, and driving can become more difficult with AMD. However, a person usually maintains enough peripheral vision for other daily activities. Total vision loss is unlikely.

Clouding of the eye’s lens, leading to blurred or dim vision, often associated with aging.

Within the labyrinth of vessels, a silent battle rages, where the dance of blood and light meets disruption, casting shadows upon the fragile tapestry of vision.

In the window to the soul, afflictions manifest, shaping the view of the world, where clarity meets the subtle hues of pathology, a testament to the eye’s resilience amidst adversity.

In the intricate web of the retina, whispers of damage echo, painting shadows on the canvas of sight, a testament to the delicate balance of vascular health

Experience Compassionate Eye Care: Siloam Eye Care Clinic, Chennai

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Our friendly staff is ready to assist you with all your eye care needs. Reach us at +91 7397380397 We look forward to serving you

+91 7397380397
Mon - Sat: 1o AM - 02PM
05PM - 8.30PM
Sunday: Holiday

Vision Care, Personalized.

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